


Heavenly Sounds

This album is born out of deep fellowship with the Lord Jesus Christ. Every track in the album is inspired by the Holy Ghost and they are intended to birth forth revival and a hunger for a deeper relationship and fellowship with Jesus Christ in the heart of the listeners. They are also intended to re-ignite the consciousness of spending eternity with Jesus Christ. Above all, living daily with the consciousness of the fact that Jesus is Holy and God expects to see the fullness of Jesus in us.



“The Deeper album’s emphasis is on intimacy with God. How deep we go with God determines how relevant we become in the scheme of things this side of Heaven. Colosians 2:7 and Ephesians 3:17 better describe this album.”

Dorcas Ojonimi Joel


‘Ateko’ in Igala means ‘Help’ – something everyone of us can use. What can we do without the Lord’s help? This album from Dorcas Ojonimi is a passionate expression of absolute dependence on God, with an uplifting dose of spirited praise. Enjoy!