Manifestation Reloaded


Another world
Emu rikoko mi ko Ft Nimix
Fill me with You
For my good
Free for real
Lord I will wait
Na teno no
O Yahweh
Ojima We nana
Show Your face
The shout of the King
Uchu bi yomi
Wa bumi che


Says Sampraiz of this album:
“The instruction for the Manifestation album came to me in the year 2013. The Lord spoke over and over throughout that year to me of how the sons are responsible for the state of the world. The earnest expectation of the creation awaits the Manifestation of the sons of God. Every gift and talent of the sons should be put to use to promote peace and love which is the message of the Kingdom. These songs were born out of prayers and revelations in the secret place and were produced in 5 studios in Nigeria for global impact. Get into the spirit of the songs; let us MANIFEST together to create another world.”